Inspectors on Demand™

High Efficiency, Low Cost Inspection and Scoping

Let's be honest. Not every property claim needs a licensed adjuster on site to inspect the loss. Our two-step strategy utilizes trained RENFROE inspectors - many of whom are former adjusters - to gather crucial information and accurately document damages. The findings gathered by our inspectors are then transferred to a desk adjuster (ours or yours) to close out the claim.

This approach reduces loss adjustment expenses by taking advantage of lower billing rates and frees up adjusters to inspect more complex losses. Additionally, because our inspectors are only focusing on documenting the loss, they can make more site visits per day, meaning inspections move to adjusters' desks more quickly. Paired with other efficiency gains, this means faster cycle times and happier policyholders.

How it Works

Inspectors on Demand is fundamentally pretty simple. Once we receive the request and the claim file, we dispatch one of our inspectors to the loss. Depending on total claim volume for a region, we can even get some inspections on the calendar as early as the next day. After the inspector arrives on site, they begin the inspection; depending on the specifics of the loss, the policyholder may not even have to be home. Once the inspection is complete, the inspector completes their report and submits it. From there, the inspection report and scope notes are submitted into the claims management system and the claim is assigned to a desk adjuster if one is not already assigned.

Key Advantages

  • Flexible: Inspectors on Demand adapts to your needs, ensuring that you only pay for the services you require and nothing more. Free up your field adjusters to handle more complex losses while our inspectors take care of the routine, simple stuff.
  • Fast: Because our inspectors can handle more claims per day than traditional adjuster-based field inspections, carriers have the potential to increase cycle times and customer experience, especially when paired with other VersaClaim™ solutions.
  • Seamless: We integrate with your systems and train our inspectors on your processes. This means a seamless, hassle-free experience for your staff and your policyholders.
  • Less Expensive: Because you’re utilizing resources that are billed at a lower rate, you’ll have reduced loss adjustment expenses on claims that use Inspectors on Demand. Don’t worry, though, lower cost doesn’t mean lower quality; we hold our inspectors to the same high standards we hold our adjusters. Why spend more than you need to on low-complexity claims?

Stand Out with Inspectors on Demand

You wouldn't send a heart surgeon to draw a blood sample from a patient. Sure, the heart surgeon is more than capable of doing so, but their expertise is better used performing complex surgeries. A registered nurse, who is trained to draw blood, can handle the task effectively and efficiently, allowing highly-paid doctors and surgeons to focus on their areas of expertise. Why should claims be handled any differently? With Inspectors on Demand, you can free up your licensed adjusters to do what they do best, reduce claims overhead and cycle times, and increase policyholder satisfaction. If you think Inspectors on Demand may be a good fit for your company, let's talk. Fill out the form below, and we'll be in touch.

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